Ernie the Ermine—Shipping Manager

Ernie the Ermine—Shipping Manager

Ernie the Ermine sometimes pays us a visit through the back door of our shop which we open in the morning in the summer.  He’s in his summer attire here–in the winter he wears a white coat with a black tip on his tail.  He’s a very efficient shipping manager who can fly all around the shop quickly to fulfill orders.  He’s the main reason why our customers receive their internet orders so quickly.

When he’s not working, Ernie can often be found on the banks of the Crystal River here in town at Staircase or RVR looking for birds, sculpins, mice, and whatever else he can get his fuzzy little paws on.  Here he is again–sitting in the bosses chair, and then back in the shipping room exhausted after a busy day of filling orders: