Crystal River –
Flow: 1550cfs/Redstone, 1900 cfs/Carbondale
Conditions: Runoff is in full swing along the river. It’ll be a few weeks yet for the Crystal to really get back in play as the water drops. Once it does, it’ll be game-on with some of the best fishing of the year taking place. If you despise the crowds on the Pan and Fork, the blue-collar Crystal is ripe for the pickin’. These forgiving fish like to eat a well presented fly and is a favorite of local anglers. Dry/dropper setups are ideal for the majority of the river. Cover water and practice stealth when approaching these fish. Caddis, PMDs, golden stoneflies and even green drakes can be encountered on the Crystal.
Dries: Foamulator Yellow, Dry Humper, Mini Chubby Yellow, Stimi ChewToy, PMXs, Foam Elk Hair Caddis, Melon Quill, Flag Dun PMD, Comparadun Drake
Nymphs: French Dips, Perdigons, Rain Drops, Gum Drops, BH Electric Caddis, Breadcrusts, BH Princes, Poxybiot Golden Stone, SanJuan Worm, Tung PTs, Mexican Flag, BH Barr Emerger PMD, Swiss Straw Emerger
Streamers: P3 Buggers, Thin Mints, Mini Jig Buggers