Colorado River –
Flow: 1,880 cfs/Glenwood Springs
Conditions: Spring is here! Rising flows with poor water clarity currently, though conditions can change quickly depending on the weather. The low lying snow has been melting fast recently. Cold bouts of weather often help clear the river while heat waves melt higher elevation snow. When clear enough to fish, the bite has been pretty decent —- The BWO/midge hatch has been steady most days. Do yourself a favor and put away that bobber/jig rig during hatches to experience the Colorado at its best. When fish aren’t rising, attractor nymphs like eggs, worms, stoneflies and caddis nymphs are all fishing well. We generally like to run the egg/worm in the deep and soft water and the stonefly/caddis in the shallow and fast pieces of water. For the go-big or go-home types, streamer fishing is showing signs of life again as the water continues to warm up. Nothing great but fish can be caught if you want to put forth the effort.
Conditions will be touch and go for a little while – webcams like this one of the river in Glenwood Springs are a great tool to put an eyeball on the river: https://www.coloradowebcam.net/camera/glenwood-kayak-park-wave-zoom-webcam
Dries: Roy’s Special Emerger, CDC Sparkledun BWO, Purple Haze, Parachute Adams, CDC Adult Midge, Griffith Gnats
Nymphs: Rubberlegs, 20 Inchers, Princes, Zirdles, San Juan Worms, Flashtail Eggs, Perdigons, Rain Drops, Rainbow Warriors, Zebra Midges, Two Bit Hooker, BTS Baetis, Pheasant Tail, Micro Mayfly, Sparklewing RS2, Biot Emergers Gray/Black, Frenchie, BH Electric Caddis, Breadcrusts
Streamers: Gongas, Dungeons, Sculpilicious, Sculpzilla, Winter Warlock, Sculpinator, Thin Mint