Roaring Fork River
Flow: 178cfs/Aspen (Jaffe Park), 376cfs Basalt, 535cfs Glenwood Springs
Conditions: Significantly improved after a few weeks of monsoonal rains – clarity is also perfect now! In fact, the noon river closures below Carbondale have expired for the time being. That said, you should still be conscious of the water temperatures during the afternoons and evenings if they approach 68’f. Hatches are consisting of yellow sallies, PMDs, BWOs and caddis. The hopper fishing has been spotty though is still a great strike indicator. Small flies (#16-20) are generally the rule of thumb now. Ditch the bobber in these low flows – perfect for dry/dropper/dropper rigs or hunting risers.
Dries: Royal Stimulator, Renegade, Foam Elk Hair Caddis, Royal Humpy, PMXs, Chubby Chernobyls, Foamulators, Foam Humpy, CDC Comparadun BWO, Para. Adams, Peachy Hopper
Nymphs: Lucent Sally, Tungsten Sally, Jig Sally, Jig Prince, 20 Inchers, San Juan Worms, Tungsten PTs, Perdigons, Frenchies, Jig Red Copper John, Barr Emerger PMD/BWO, PMD Halfback, Sunken Spinners, RS2’s, Biot Midge Emerger, Mayhems
Streamers: Dungeons, Sparkle Minnows, Double Bunnies, Skully Buggers, Sculpzillas
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