Colorado River –
Flow: 3,420 cfs/Glenwood Springs
Conditions: We hope you were able to get out on ‘the big river’ in the past three weeks. The fishing was as good as we’ve seen in a few years with good numbers of fish being caught in all sizes from 6-12′ inch stockers to 20′ inch plus browns. It sure was something and we all felt like heros for a little while! Egos are now being blown and the reality check of this fickle river is settling in – flies are downsized, fish move off the banks more, and the best fishing is now early in the day not late in the day. Though fishing can be productive, it is increasingly becoming more and more challenging. Water temps have already hit 66’f and we now need to be very conscious of not stressing our resource. Fish early-leave early, play fish quickly, leave the fish in the water and allow the fish to fully recuperate before releasing it in highly oxygenated water. It seems to be a matter of time before we are under voluntary fishing restrictions unless the weather cooperates – fingers crossed for the monsoon rains, clouds and cool weather.
Feel free to call us for daily river conditions 970.963.5741
Dries: Chubby Chernobyls (tan/yellow/gold), PMXs (same), Tarantulas, Fat Alberts, Rogue Foam Stone (yellow/orange), Foam Elk Hair Caddis (tan/brown), Rubber Leg Stimi (yellow/orange), Ginger Variant, Flag Dun PMD, Melon Quill, CDC Rusty Spinner
Nymphs: Jig Rubberlegs (black/coffee), Cheater Belly (brown/tan), Zirdles (tan/coffee), Jig FKA Prince, Guides Choice, Soft Hackle PT, BH Swiss Straw Emerger, Split Case PMD, Perdigons (orange/PMD), Translucent Sally, Lime Prince, RS-2’s, Polywings, PTs, San Juan Worm (red/tan/brown)
Streamers: Goldie Articulated, Ebony Articulated, Double Bunny (white), Thin Mints, Jig Slum Lord (brown), Aggravator Prince, Wooly Bugger (black/white)