Frying Pan River
Flow: 152cfs/below Ruedi Reservoir
Conditions: In great fishable shape with low and clear water! Just as most freestone fisheries are succumbing to runoff, the Frying Pan begins to really turn-on. Longer and warmer days are providing improved fishing and longer windows of opportunity. Midge hatches are dependable most days and numbers of rising fish can now be seen. Look for the best dry fly fishing to take place above mile marker 6. During warmer, overcast days even the lower river is seeing good hatches though. BWOs are gaining in numbers as the midge hatch starts to slowly dwindle. Keep your tippets light as 6x and 7x are typical given the small flies and educated fish. Crowds are becoming heavier (especially weekends) with the river being one of the few fishable places to wet a line with runoff underway.
Dries: Zelon Midge, Stillborn Midge, Trailing Shuck Midge Adult, Comparadun Adams, CDC Biot Comparadun, Mole Fly, Roy’s Special Emerger, Almost Dun, Wild Turkey Emerger, Para Quill BWO, Hackle Dun BWO
Nymphs: 2Bit Hooker, PTs Olive, Split Back BWO, Epoxyback Baetis, BTS Baetis, CDC RS2s, Mayhems, Foam Wing RS2, Foam Back Chocolate, Polywings, Medallion Midge, Bling Midge, Miracle Midge, Jiggy Mysis, Flashtail Mini Egg
Streamers: Jig Mini Bugger, Bubble Guppy, Thin Mints, Sculpzillas, PSLs, Clousers